Hello there! Welcome to my professional portfolio.
Currently, I work full time as a graphic designer, and my department presented me with the Owner of the Problem Award certificate. My department has designated me the official Ms. Fix it!
I’m a tech nerd who enjoys building and editing websites with HTML and CSS, and learning software programs such as Python and R. I'm also a frequent user and participant in vibrant discussions on social media. 
My other vice is writing. Typically I write about lifestyle topics and host my writing portfolio on Medium. 
This past August 2021, I completed a bachelor of science in digital audiences from Arizona State University. I’m a graphic designer by trade, but the degree refined and strengthened my skills in strategy and UX visual design. Further, the
Specifically, my degree program exposed me to:
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis
- Audience research and development
- Social and observational research, and survey, ethical, and experimental research
- Defining and targeting audiences by creating organic content and paid campaigns
- Transforming digital data through research
- Developing SMART campaign goals and measuring results with KPIs
- Script writing
- Creating effective presentations and proposals based on data and analysis
- Developing a communication and PR strategy based on a corporate crisis
- Analytic/research tools such as Google Analytics, Google Trend, Google Search Ads, Google Data Studio, Netvizz, Netlytic
- Sentiment analysis software such as LIWC and Amazon M-Turk
- SEO: best practices, on-page, off-page, technical
- Visual storytelling and dashboards with Tableau and Microsoft Excel
- Programming languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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